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Articles (136)
EEOC Time Limit for Filing a Charge of Discrimination
Before a sexual harassment or other discrimination victim can file suit in federal court, they must first file a charge of discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Feder...
applies to All States
Filing sexual harassment claims in Illinois
Victims of sexual harassment in Illinois can vindicate their right to be free from sexual harassment under Illinois law by filing a charge or claim with the Illinois Department Human Rights, with the ...
applies to Illinois
Summary of ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA)
On September 25, 2008, President Bush signed the ADA Amendment Act (ADAAA) into law. It's effective date is January 1, 2009. The U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives both unanimously pass...
applies to All States
Sexual harassment by a co-worker
Sexual harassment involves: unwelcome sexual advances; requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct that is based on sex. Sexually harassing conduct is unlawful if it: adversely af...
applies to All States
List of Employment Law FAQs
Non-competition Severance pay Retaliation Sexual harassment Family leave Discrimination Wrongfully accused Overtime Tax Issues in Settlements Healthy Families Act Smoke free workplace Ohio non-compete...
applies to All States
Retaliatory Counterclaims in Sexual Harassment Suits
If a party accused of sexual harassment in a suit (the Defendant) files a counterclaim against the harassment victim (the Plaintiff) after the Plaintiff filed suit, because she filed suit, courts will...
applies to Ohio
Family and Care Giver Discrimination, Harassment and Discharge
Family responsibility discrimination is an emerging area of discrimination law. Although no specific law designates a family care giver as a protected class, a number of laws protect people with famil...
applies to Florida
Family and Medical Leave Act 2008 Rule Changes.
The Department of Labor issued final changes to its Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) rules, which took effect on January 16, 2009. These changes include the new leave related to military service me...
applies to All States
Americans with Disabilities Act
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities. 42 USC 12101 et seq. A qualified individual with a disability is an individual with ...
applies to All States
Wrongful Discharge - Terminations that Violate Public Policy
Technically speaking, courts do not recognize a claim for "wrongful discharge," at least by that name. Broadly speaking, any discharge that violates a law, causes great harm or is grossly unfair is "w...
applies to All States
American Public Policy Exception to Employment at-will
In states that adopt the public policy exception to employment at will, public policy warrants an exception to the employment-at-will doctrine when an employer discharges or disciplines an employee fo...
applies to All States
Right to Vote without Employer Interference or Threat of Discharge
Ohio's Right to Vote law states: No employer, his officer or agent, shall discharge or threaten to discharge an elector for taking a reasonable amount of time to vote on election day; or require or or...
applies to Ohio
Discovery Plans for Employment Litigation
A court’s Rules of Civil Procedure (its “Civil Rules”) empower the parties to gather evidence, including that in the control of opposing parties and reluctant witnesses. The Civil Rules do this ...
applies to All States
Overview of the Constructive Discharge Doctrine
A constructive discharge describes an employee's decision to resign because the employer made the terms and conditions of employment so miserable that reasonable people would resign. Under those circu...
applies to All States
Ohio Public Policy exception to At-will Employment
In Greeley v. Miami Valley Maint. Contractors , 49 Ohio St. 3d 228 (Ohio 1990), the Ohio Supreme Court held that "[p]ublic policy warrants an exception to the employment-at-will doctrine when an emplo...
applies to Ohio
Your Job Title Does Not Determine Whether You Are Exempt from Overtime Compensation
California courts and the Department of Labor have repeatedly held that an employee's title doesn't determine whether he or she should be exempt from receiving overtime compensation. In other words, j...
applies to California
Defamation by an Employer
An employee may have a claim for defamation where an employer publishes a false statement of fact that harms the employee's reputation, unless the employer had a qualified privilege for making the sta...
applies to All States
Florida wrongful discharge law
Florida law does not recognize a “wrongful termination” or "wrongful discharge" claim, at least by that name. Florida is an at-will state, which means that an employer may fire, demote, hire, prom...
applies to Florida
How to Value Claims for Severance Negotiations
This article describes a process for employment lawyers to use to place a value on a severance pay offer. It involves identifying claims, identifying the damages associated with those claims, discount...
applies to All States
Tortious Interference Involving Non-Competition Agreements
In most states, a third party cannot interfere with the contractual or prospective business relationships between two other parties, absent a proper purpose. This claim is known as “tortious interfe...
applies to All States
Qualified Privilege Protects Florida Employers from Employee Reference Defamation Suits
An employer is presumed immune from a defamation claim for disclosing untrue information about an employee’s job performance if the untrue information is: 1. Published to a prospective employer; 2. ...
applies to Florida
Same-sex Harassment Claims
Claims of sexual harassment where the harasser and harassed are the same sex are analyzed in much the same way as different-sex harassment cases. See, generally, Sexual harassment by a co-worker . How...
applies to All States
Rights of an Ohio Employee who is a Minority Shareholder
A special exception to employment at-will doctrine applies to employees who are minority shareholders of close corporations. In their case, majority shareholders cannot terminate their employment with...
applies to Ohio
Illinois Wage Payment and Collection Act
The Illinois Wage Payment and Collection Act governs when Illinois employers must pay employee wages and commissions, prohibits most deductions from employee pay, requires notice for changes in pay an...
applies to Illinois
Negotiating Severance Agreements
Parties bargaining to reach a mutually acceptable outcome must, as with any negotiation: Have a shared desire to resolve the dispute; Identify the interests at stake; Invent options for mutual gain; S...
applies to All States
Illinois State Overtime Law
This page is article is devoted to Illinois law. It presumes you have a basic knowledge of the Federal Law. But for more information on the Federal Overtime Law please visit our FLSA page at http://ww...
applies to Illinois
Time off to Vote
Most state's laws require employers to give employees time off to vote. These laws vary among states, particularly with respect to the following: Whether the time off is paid or not; Whether the emplo...
applies to All States
The Role of Seniority in Employment Law
The concept of seniority has a high level of importance in employment law. For example, if there is a conflict between a bona fide seniority system and an agreement to settle a discrimination claim, i...
applies to All States
The Role of Contracts in Employment Law
Contracts play a central role in employment law. The most basic employment arrangement, at-will employment, is purely contractual in nature. Floyd v. DuBois Soap Co. (1942), 139 Ohio St. 520, 530-531,...
applies to All States
Severance Package
A severance package describes the pay and benefits an employee receives when involuntarily separated from a company. Severance packages are voluntary in the United States, so employers do not have a l...
applies to All States
Closing the Severance Pay Negotiation with Non-economic Terms
The amount of severance that an employer is willing to pay an employee, though usually the single most important item addressed in severance negotiations, is only one severance issue. Additional issue...
applies to All States
Ohio Prohibition against Military and Uniformed Services Employment Discrimination
Ohio USERRA In 2008 Ohio enacted its own veteran's protection laws, which created the Department of Veterans' services and an Ohio private employment claim, found at ORC 5903.02: Any person whose abse...
applies to Ohio
Promissory estoppel exception to at-will employment
In general, under the employment-at-will doctrine, the employment relationship between employer and employee is terminable at the will of either. See At-will Employment . In Mers v. Dispatch Printing ...
applies to Ohio
Arizona Non-competition Agreement Law
Historically, Arizona courts viewed covenants not to compete unlawful restraints of trade. Eventually, Arizona courts began to enforce ancillary restraints on competition, such as those incident to em...
applies to Arizona
Interrogatories in Employment Litigation
Each case turns on its own facts. However, employment litigants rarely have all of the facts that they need to prove their claims in their possession. Instead, they must usually obtain documents and t...
applies to All States
USERRA Overview
Federal USERRA The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) was signed into law on October 13, 1994. USERRA clarifies and strengthens the Veterans' Reemployment Right...
applies to All States
Severance Pay can reduce Ohio Unemployment Compensation Benefits
Severance pay in Ohio can reduce or eliminate an employee's unemployment compensation benefits for the weeks that the severance pay is received. If an employer pays severance pay in a lump sum, the Oh...
applies to Ohio
Evidence in Discrimination Cases
Discrimination cases turn on the employer's motive for taking an employment action, like failing to hire or firing an employee. The employee must prove that the employer's bias against people in the e...
applies to All States
Executive Orders affecting Unions issued by the Obama Administration.
President Barack Obama signed a series of executive orders in his first month in office favorable to organized labor. They include: Notification of employee rights under federal labor laws ; Economy i...
applies to All States
Arbitration of Employment Disputes
The federal arbitration act (FAA), 9 U.S.C. § 1, et seq . and Ohio’s arbitration act ORC § 2711.01 et seq. , both direct a court to stay trial of a matter that is the subject of a written arbitrat...
applies to Ohio
Who should have to pay back overpaid Unemployment Benefits in North Carolina?
The majority of contested NC unemployment benefits cases we handle involve the following situation: The Claimant (former employee) files for unemployment benefits. The Employer gives the Division of E...
applies to North Carolina
California Non-competition Law
At one time California courts enforced contractual restraints on competition as long as they were reasonably imposed. However, in 1872 California adopted a public policy favoring open competition and ...
applies to California
Florida Law for Employer Defamation
Suppose an employer accuses its employee of theft, and fires her for that reason. Suppose the employer then tells prospective employers who call for a reference that the employee was terminated for th...
applies to Florida
Florida Whistleblower's Act Protects Employees of the Government and Companies that Contract with Florida Governments
The Florida legislature enacted the Florida whistleblower's Act, Fl. Stat. 112.3187 in 1986 to prevent state and local government agencies ("Agencies,") and the companies that contract with Agencies (...
applies to Florida
Other Legal Links for posting to Resources page
Akron Community & Government The complete online guide to the Akron area, with accomodations, real estate, business and location information. Search our professionally scree...
applies to Nebraska
Trade Secrets Overview
A trade secret is information that is not known to the public, that its owner takes steps to keep from public knowledge and that has value because it is not known to the public. The owners of trade se...
applies to All States
Enforcability of Texas Non-competition Agreements.
To be enforceable under Texas law, a non-compete must be: ancillary to or part of an otherwise enforceable agreement at the time the agreement is made; to the extent it contains limitations as to time...
applies to Texas
3 Ways You May be a Victim of the Retaliation and Constrictive Discharge Hybrid
In a perfect world, employees could go to work knowing they would not be mistreated by their employer or superiors. However, we don’t live in a perfect world and employees are subjected to unspe...
applies to All States
3 Ways You May be a Victim of the Retaliation and Constrictive Discharge Hybrid
In a perfect world, employees could go to work knowing they would not be mistreated by their employer or superiors. However, we don’t live in a perfect world and employees are subjected to unspe...
applies to All States
EEOC Expands Definition of Disability
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has issued final rules, effective May 24, 2011, interpreting the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008. The new rules broaden coverage unde...
applies to New York
4 Situations Where an Employer May Retaliate
4 Situations Where an Employer May Retaliate Retaliation is a type of practice that is deemed unlawful under employment laws. An employee may experience retaliation when he or she makes a complaint ab...
applies to All States
The EEOC Announces Multiple Six Figure Settlements of 100% Healed Cases.
100% Healed Policies: A Recipe for Disaster. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission recently announced six figure settlements of multiple federal lawsuits alleging employer failures to accommodat...
applies to All States
Five Facts About Retaliation
Employers cannot retaliate against employees who act as whistleblowers, file a complaint about an employment violation, or engage in other legally protected activities. But what is retaliation? And wh...
applies to New York
Genetic Discrimination Under GINA
Enter your article here A woman who tested positive for the breast cancer gene brought suit against her employer MXnergy for violation of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA) w...
applies to All States
What is the ADA?
Enter your article here While the American With Disabilities Act (ADA) has several components, the portion I am going to talk about right now is Title I which pertains to discrimination in employment ...
applies to All States
3 Upcoming Job Discrimination Cases with Huge Implications for LGBT Rights
The Supreme Court will soon be deciding on a matter very personal to people who are part of, or allies of, the LGBT (or LGBTQIA+) community. The major issue they are expected to rule on in three upcom...
applies to California
Can My Employer Terminate or Reprimand Me for Not Speaking English in the Workplace
Enter your article here One of the areas of frequent complaint with employers, especially in areas such as South Florida and California is whether an employer can force an employee to speak only engli...
applies to All States
Five Facts About Workplace Sexual Harassment
Workplace sexual harassment affects millions of people each year. According to a national study , nearly 40% of women and over 10% of men report experiencing sexual harassment at work. These five fact...
applies to New York
Settlement Term Sheets not binding, Settlement Agreements are
January 22, 2020 Under New York law a financial services professional in his late 50s, who fires his first law firm then proceeds to mediation with a new law firm during which he signs a settlement te...
applies to New York
What Are My Employment Rights if I am or Become Pregnant?
As society continues to advance, Americans are living longer, maintaining their car eers, and deciding to have children a little later in life. Most adults today want it all and employment laws, espec...
applies to All States
How good training can prevent sexual harassment in the workplace
How good training can prevent sexual harassment in the workplace In the United States of America, each state has its own laws on employment law. In California, laws that regulate employment are quite ...
applies to All States
3 Ways You Didn’t Know You’re Being Discriminated Against at Work
Setting fire to your manager’s desk in some countries may earn you a verbal warning. Well, that may be an exaggeration, but basically, unlike California, there are places in the world where ...
applies to All States
Can my employer ask about my race?
Can an employer ask an employee or an applicant about their race? The short answer is technically no. In some states, it is legal for an employer to inquire about an employee or an applicant’s r...
applies to California
What is sex or gender discrimination?
In general, there are certain types of people or people with certain characteristics who are protected by the law when it comes to discrimination in the workplace. There are state and federal laws in ...
applies to All States
3 Basic Points About Employee Rights You Need To Know
3 Basic Points About Employee Rights You Need To Know Have you ever wondered what would happen if you lost your job because you were in an accident and needed time off? What if a new manager was hired...
applies to All States
3 Types Of Sexual Harassment At The Workplace
What are the 3 Types of Sexual Harassment at the workplace? California’s Constitution protects employees from being harassed within the workplace. Employees and employers should be familiar with...
applies to All States
How People Have Fought Against Discrimination
Many employees face discrimination . The ADA, ADEA, Title VII Civil Rights Act and OSHA’ s whistleblower laws help females, minorities, disabled or mentally challenged employees either get and k...
applies to All States
6 Reasons California Workers Should Celebrate
For the past few years, there have been some disappointments for workers when it comes to their rights and their protection. Fortunately, where federal law fails, California has taken strides to ensur...
applies to California
8 Main Disability Discrimination Questions
What are the 8 Main Disability Discrimination Questions? California is an at-will employment state. As an at-will employee in California, an individual may be terminated for any reason or no reason at...
applies to All States
4 Things an Employee Should Know About Filing a Disability Discrimination Claim
“You’re too slow for this job”, “people like you are lazy”, “you’re a freak”. Americans with disabilities endure all kinds of hateful treatment, but wha...
applies to California
5 Employees who are Targets of Discrimination and/or Wrongful Termination
5 Employees who are Targets of Discrimination and/or Wrongful Termination Employees in California are considered at-will employees . This means if you are employed in California, unlike other States, ...
applies to All States
5 Basic Questions About Sexual Harassment
Now, look at the 5 basic questions about sexual harassment you thought you know the answers to , every employer should have a zero-tolerance sexual harassment policy, yet sexual harassment remains a r...
applies to All States
4 Misconceptions Employees Have About Harassment
Harassment remains an issue in the workplace yet many employees remain unaware of the ways it is regulated under employment laws. Employees may not know that there are different types of harassment an...
applies to All States
3 Ways Sexual Harassment Claims May Lead to Other Claims
A Work Attorney has many types of cases that end up on their desk, but the most common is sexual harassment. Sexual harassment within the workplace is against the law, yet remains a common issue. Vict...
applies to All States
4 Factors Considered in the Creation of a Hostile Work Environment
What does it take to transform a simply annoying work environment into a sexually harassing hostile work environment? In order to answer this question, it is important to look at all of the circumstan...
applies to California
3 Ways Employment Law Measures Disability Discrimination
Rather than asking the question of ‘if’ an individual is disabled, the laws that regulate disability discrimination attempts to measure ‘how much’ a person is impaired by their...
applies to California
5 Ways Employers Can Discriminate Against Workers
5 Ways Employers Can Discriminate Against Workers Employers can, unfortunately, find different ways to discriminate against their employees. Particular classes of people and different characteristics ...
applies to All States
5 Important Questions Asked about Disability Discrimination and Wrongful Termination
Some employees enjoy being challenged in their work while others find pleasure in doing work that doesn’t feel like work at all. But what about employees who feel like they are being set up for ...
applies to All States
5 Ways an Employer May Be Liable For Disability Discrimination
Employment laws in America encourage employees with disabilities and their employers to work in harmony in the workplace. Whether an individual with a disability is applying for a job or a current emp...
applies to All States
6 Nuances of Disability Discrimination Law in California
Under California state law, workers with a disability are protected against several forms of discrimination in employment practices. Employers subject to this legislation cannot base employment decisi...
applies to California
9 Things Job Hunters With a Disability Should Know
1. Where do my rights come from? When it comes to disability discrimination , there are a few different sources of rights an employee may use to defend himself or herself from mistreatment. Depending ...
applies to California
2 Ways Employers Sometimes Illegally Discriminate Against Veterans
While individuals who serve in the military often make great sacrifices for their country, many people do not seem to understand or appreciate their service. Oftentimes, veterans struggle to readjust ...
applies to California
3 Ways You are Being Sexually Harassed and Didn’t Know
Every day a Sexual Harassment Lawyer is called regarding questions about sexual harassment that took place at an employee’s work. Although it is an unfortunate matter, the fact remains that sexu...
applies to All States
How to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace
Do you know how to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace ? Although sexual harassment within the workplace is against the law in California, it remains a hot-button issue in the media as well as ...
applies to All States
Applicants and Temporary Employees are afforded the Same Rights as Regular Employees Under FEHA
A decrease in unemployment rates leaves job-applicants vulnerable to sexual harassment . In June 2017, California’s Employment Development Department reported that the unemployment rate dropped ...
applies to All States
3 Illegal Ways Employers Punish You for Taking Time Off
Employees have certain rights to leaves of absence from work. When they are entitled to time off, the employer cannot punish them for taking it. When employers do punish employees for legally protecte...
applies to California
4 Ways Employment Law Addresses Sex Discrimination
In 2019, especially in California, society has gravitated to a more forward-thinking attitude towards the way sex and gender is understood. Ideas of what is considered “normal” or the very...
applies to California
What Is The Pregnancy Discrimination Act
The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 ( Pub.L. 95–555 ) amended the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to prohibit sex discrimination on the basis of pregnancy. This Act outlaws discrimination “o...
applies to California
5 Disabilities that May Be Protected By Employment Law
5 Disabilities that May Be Protected By Employment Law Disability discrimination is where an employer refuses to acknowledge your impairment as a disability and treats you adversely based on your disa...
applies to California
3 Reasons to Get Things in Writing in Employment Law
Many people are excited at the prospect of a new job, and most do not predict it will lead to anything but income and perhaps some satisfaction at work well done. People do not usually expect for thei...
applies to California
3 Ways Sexual Harassment and Leaves of Absence Can Be Connected
An incident of sexual harassment on one hand and taking a leave of absence on the other are two types of situations that would not appear to coexist in the same set of facts, but unfortunately, the tw...
applies to All States
4 Misconceptions Employees Have About Harassment
4 Misconceptions Employees Have About Harassment Harassment remains an issue in the workplace yet many employees remain unaware of the ways it is regulated under employment laws. Employees may not kno...
applies to All States
3 Types of Issues Employment Lawyers May Handle
From suing a dry cleaning service for losing a pair of pants to filing for the return of a kidney, people today will sue for the craziest things. In order to sue for all of these wacky claims, there n...
applies to All States
3 Examples of How “Me too” Matters in Employment Law
Since 2017, “me too” has become an increasingly familiar term (and hashtag), one used to spread awareness of sexual harassment and assault, problems that are alarmingly widespread. By some...
applies to California
California Defamation Law: Libel and Slander that Injures Professional Reputation at Workplace
One of the powerful but also somewhat underused claims that employees who are falsely accused of any kind of misconduct at workplace have is a claim for defamation (libel and slander). Proving a defam...
applies to California
What if My Former Employer Says Bad Things About Me?
Enter your article here On many occasions employees ask whether or not they have a legal claim against their former employer or employers for giving bad references or saying bad things about them. The...
applies to All States
10 Mistakes Virginia Workers Compensation Claimants Need to Avoid
I have been practicing Workers Comp Law for 30 years as a Virginia Workers Compensation Lawyer and these are the mistakes I see claimants repeat again and again which often means a denial of their com...
applies to Virginia
How to Hire a Competitor's Employees
Suppose an employee from a competitor applied for an open position with your firm. She did not take any trade secrets from the competitor and will not solicit her the competitor's customers. However, ...
applies to All States
What Happens to My Job If I Suffer a Workers Compensation Injury
Enter your article here As many of you may know, a workers compensation injury is one where you have suffered an injury working on the job for your employer. Many employers carry workers compensation ...
applies to Florida
Should you complain about discrimination/harassment to your human resources department?
Many employees who are subjected to discrimination or harassment by their co-workers or supervisors believe that they are better off not speaking up and tolerating the potentially unlawful conduct to ...
applies to California
5 Tricky Sexual Harassment Situations
1. Where did all the love go? While it is not exactly against the law to date a co-worker, superior, or an underling, it does tend to complicate things legally, especially when things turn sour. There...
applies to All States
Intentional Torts
The Fourth District Court of Appeals recently affirms that intentional torts in the workplace, like sexual touchings giving rise to a claim for sexual harrassment, are not covered under Worker’s Com...
applies to Florida
What is a Qui Tam?
Enter your article here SAN FRANCISCO — Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis AG is paying $72.5 million to settle a whistleblower lawsuit accusing it of improperly billing government programs for u...
applies to All States
How to Get the Best Virginia Workers Compensation Settlement
When you are injured in a work place accident, you will probably be eligible for Virginia workers' compensation. At some point the insurance company will approach you and ask you if you are interested...
applies to Virginia
5 Tricky Sexual Harassment Situations
1. Where did all the love go? While it is not exactly against the law to date a co-worker, superior, or an underling, it does tend to complicate things legally, especially when things turn sour. There...
applies to All States
benefit plan appeals
Enter your article here The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) applies to retirement plans and "welfare benefit" plans, e.g., disability and health plans sponsored by employers or unions....
applies to New Jersey
Faragher-Ellerth Defense No Longer Available to Employers Under New York City Human Rights Law
In May 2010, the New York Court of Appeals in Zakrzewska v. The New Sch ool held that an employer’s defense to a claim of harassment when the employer is able to demonstrate that it took reasonable ...
applies to New York
Cleveland Public Relations Firm Ordered to Pay a Million Dollars for Retaliation
A Cleveland jury ordered Dix & Eaton, a public relations firm, to pay over $1,000,000 for retaliating against a 59 year old executive who complained to Human Resources that her boss was setting he...
applies to Ohio
5 Things You Didn’t Know About Being Forced to Quit
If your boss fires you for an illegal reason you can assume you should call an Employment Attorney to discuss a potential suit against the organization for wrongful termination at the very least, but ...
applies to California
Hard Rock Cafe Servers Claim Illegal Tip Pooling
Enter your article here Well the national chain of Hard Rock Cafe restaurants have recently been hit with a lawsuit under the FLSA complaining about its tip handling procedures. The allegations of the...
applies to All States
5 Things You Didn’t Know About Being Forced to Quit
If your boss fires you for an illegal reason you can assume you should call a wrongful termination attorney to discuss a potential suit against the organization for wrongful termination at the very le...
applies to All States
4 Ways You May Become a Victim of Wrongful Termination
4 Ways You May Become a Victim of Wrongful Termination Wrongful termination is where an employer fires an employee for an illegal reason. Some illegal reasons may be if an employer fires an employee b...
applies to All States
Burden of Proof in Age Discrimination cases after Gross v. FBL Financial Services
Last month's U.S. Supreme Court decision, Gross v. FBL Financial Services changed the burden of proof on age discrimination victims. Previously, courts required age discrimination victims to prove tha...
applies to All States
5 Forms of Sexual Harassment You Didn’t Know About
1. Desire does not have to be what fuels the fire Did you know that not all forms of sexual harassment are motivated by a person’s sexual attraction to another? Under particular legislation in C...
applies to All States
3 Things To Know About Taking a Leave From Work
3 Things To Know About Taking a Leave From Work It is early in the morning, the sun has yet to rise, and the alarm on your phone goes off. Work is hours away but this is the alarm you set is for yours...
applies to All States
10 Signs You might be a Victim of Sexual Harassment at Work
1. You feel uncomfortable Sexual harassment , to a degree, is measured subjectively and takes the expression “bad vibes” to a whole new level. Although the workplace is to remain professio...
applies to All States
How To Deal With Sexual Harassment Outside Of The Workplace
How to deal with sexual harassment outside of the workplace? It is well-settled law in California under the Fair Employment and Housing Act as well as the California Government Code § 12940(k) th...
applies to All States
Work from Home Registered Nurse exempt from overtime pay
January 21, 2020 Under the Fair Labor Standards Act a registered nurse consultant worked from home, rarely interacted with her supervisors, applied her employer’s clinical guidelines while analyzing...
applies to New York
I’ve been fired! : 3 Ways Termination Can Become ‘Wrongful Termination’
1. Sexual Harassment and Revenge It’s hard enough as it is to tell your tinder date after the first meet-up that you’re just not that into them. Perhaps you do it over text or ghost them a...
applies to California
Five Facts About Wrongful Termination
What constitutes wrongful termination? How can you prove your wrongful termination case? And can you sue for wrongful termination in an at-will state? Here are five facts you need to know about wrongf...
applies to All States
7 Things You Didn’t Know About Medical Leave Of Absence From Work
Currently, a majority of employees in California struggle with work-life balance. An individual may be striving for that promotion at work, finding time to go to their kid’s soccer game, praying...
applies to All States
4 Things You Should Know About Pregnancy and Employment Laws
Women should not be discouraged from pursuing their dream of having a family while also maintaining their career. There are laws in place that provide security for women who are pregnant or have pregn...
applies to California
Five Facts About The NYC Freelance Isn't Free Act
In 2017, New York City passed the Freelance Isn't Free Act, which offers some of the strongest freelancer protections in the country. Under the act, freelancers can file suit if their clients refu...
applies to New York
5 Forms of Sexual Harassment You Didn’t Know About
1. Desire does not have to be what fuels the fire Did you know that not all forms of sexual harassment are motivated by a person’s sexual attraction to another? Under particular legislation in C...
applies to All States
Josh Morrow Workplace Fairness Fund for Employment Litigation Court Costs.
The Josh Morrow Workplace Fairness Fund provides loans to attorneys representing employees in litigation against their employers. Loans must be repaid from any recovery but are generally forgiven if t...
applies to All States
10 Signs You might be a Victim of Sexual Harassment at Work
1. You feel uncomfortable Sexual harassment , to a degree, is measured subjectively and takes the expression “bad vibes” to a whole new level. Although the workplace is to remain professio...
applies to All States
It Is Prudent To Report And To Redress Alleged Race Discrimination And Retaliation
Normal 0 MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-p...
applies to New York
Who is Considered an Immediate “family member” for purposes of taking FMLA Leave?
As if working hard for that promotion or striving for better shifts wasn’t hard enough, what happens when the unexpected throws you off course? Becoming extremely ill, being injured in an accide...
applies to All States
What is sexual orientation harassment or discrimination?
An Employment Lawyer is an attorney who may represent an employee against their employer in a situation where he or she was treated poorly at work based on their sexual orientation. But what is sexual...
applies to All States
Can I Sue A Company For Wrongful Termination In California?
“We need to talk” is not just a terrifying phrase to hear from your significant other, it is also something you never want to hear from your boss. No good can come from the phrase and if i...
applies to All States
5 Awkward Sexual Harassment Situations at Work
Getting your dream job, let alone a job in general already comes equipped with jumping through hoops and competing with other eager job seekers. Just getting invited to come in for an interview is a m...
applies to All States
2 Challenges Veterans Might Face at Work
Veterans often have difficulties getting hired, in part due to widespread stereotypes and biases against them. Even when veterans get past that first stage and are hired (congrats!), they unfortunatel...
applies to California
2 Challenges Veterans Might Face at Work
Veterans often have difficulties getting hired, in part due to widespread stereotypes and biases against them. Even when veterans get past that first stage and are hired (congrats!), they unfortunatel...
applies to California
5 Awkward Sexual Harassment Situations at Work
5 Awkward Sexual Harassment Situations at Work Getting your dream job, let alone a job in general already comes equipped with jumping through hoops and competing with other eager job seekers. Just get...
applies to All States
4 Steps that employer have to do to protect employees from sexual harassment
1- An anti-harassment policy Having a written sexual harassment prevention policy in place is not only a good measure for stopping sexual harassment before it happens, but California employers are als...
applies to All States
4 Reasons Why the Law Protects Whistleblowers
Before protective laws were enacted through Congress, workers couldn’t feel confident in reporting malfeasance throughout the workplace due to backlash and ostracization by superiors. Those empl...
applies to All States