Answers Posted By Harvey Berger

Answer to Non-competition clause still valid?


Janet Koehn is a great lawyer.
If you are in San Diego, however, call Pope & Berger 619-234-1222.
Harvey Berger

posted Feb 21, 2002 9:02 PM [EST]

Answer to COO eliminates the Severance Benefit 3 days before it's due


You may have a very viable contract claim, because you can argue you relied on the severance package to stay until early Aug. Reliance triggers a contractual right.
Depending on how much money is at stake, we would consider representing you.

posted Aug 9, 2001 7:59 PM [EST]

Answer to Is this legal?

Is this legal? No.

The Federal WARN Act states that in a mass layofff, the employees must receive at least 60 days notice, or be paid for 60 days.
Call attorney Steve Zieff in San Francisco, at 415-434-9800, and tell him I referred you. If he can't help, call me and I might handle it or can refer you to someone else.

posted Jul 31, 2001 10:24 PM [EST]