All Questions and Answers about Discrimination: Gender, Pregnancy
Would I be able to pursue actions about the unfair treatment?
I worked for a corporate dental office just about two years. I became pregnant and I was not given any breaks, worked over into lunch, vomiting and not sent home, put in the hospital for stress, doubl...
1 answer | asked Nov 30, 2012 1:37 PM [EST] | applies to Ohio
Do I have a case if terminated almost 3 years ago?
I have worked for a retail company for 15 years as a front end manager. I was pregnant in 2009 and went on FMLA in August 2009 until October 2009. Upon my return, I was given lots of papers to sign wh...
2 answers | asked Jul 30, 2012 12:26 PM [EST] | applies to Florida
Is it possible to discriminate against male nurses?
A male nurse in a psychiatric hospital has complained that he has been forced by supervisors to take on a heavier case load AND has been assigned patients under the guise of, "You should take this pat...
1 answer | asked Aug 3, 2011 8:50 PM [EST] | applies to Wisconsin
Does my employer have to hold my job when out on Maternity Leave?
Due to complications during pregnancy I was put out of work by my doctor 6 weeks before my actual delivery. I delievered by C-Section, and therefore am entitled to 8 weeks disability after delivery. I...
2 answers | asked Feb 2, 2011 05:47 AM [EST] | applies to New Jersey
Do I have a legitimate workplace discrimination case?
I work, worked for the State of Pennsylvania. My job consisted of working with court appointed juvenile delinquents. I was just fired after being suspended for 3 months pending an investigation. In Se...
1 answer | asked Jan 2, 2011 12:58 AM [EST] | applies to Pennsylvania
my supervisor is against females,
the company is aware of this issue ,,he always has a issue with me he changes the way things are to be done daily to make sure i do it the wrong way,,others in this companty is aware of this issue,he ...
1 answer | asked Dec 7, 2010 4:13 PM [EST] | applies to Ohio
Can an emplyer rightfully lay off an employee 10 days before starting maternity leave?
I am 8 months and 3 weeks pregnant. All of my paper work is set up to start disability on the 29th of this month. I am having a scheduled C-section delivery on the 29th of this month. My employer info...
1 answer | asked Jul 20, 2010 10:14 AM [EST] | applies to New York
Wife Is Being Harassed At Work; What Can I Do?
My wife got a job as a salaried office manager back in March of '08. At the time of her employment, she works in the same office as the company's sales representative. Numerous times she has found the...
1 answer | asked Jul 12, 2010 09:16 AM [EST] | applies to Ohio
Is this a case of gender/pregnancy discrimination?
I am a Correction Officer at a Prison. The contract between our union and the employer states that: "The employer will make a good faith effort to provide alternative, comparable work and equal pay to...
1 answer | asked Jun 2, 2010 5:07 PM [EST] | applies to Ohio
Discrimination during pregnany: wages, forced maternity leave.
At the beginning of 2009, my employer cut everyone's wages 20% and management 10%. Managers had to work a full schedule on the 10% cut, while the rest of the staff was permitted to take a day off per ...
1 answer | asked May 4, 2010 08:54 AM [EST] | applies to New York