
Ann Guleser

Ann Guleser


13418 Ventura Blvd.
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423


About Me:

Danz Gerber - 2006 - 2008 Employment Lawyers Group - Present Ann Guleser of the Employment Lawyers Group won on appeal before Division 8 of the 2nd Appellate District on Vasquez v. Franklin Management. This case was an appeal of a sustained demurrer on whether it was intolerable for a $10.00 an hour employee to quit because his employer refused to reimburse him for unpaid mileage that had the effect of bringing his hourly wage down below minimum wage. During the argument of the case in front of the court of appeal, the court commented that failing to pay mileage reimbursements to a $10.00 hour employee was, "Terrible." The court wanted the other side to explain why the situation was not intolerable.