While on short term disabilty for rotor cuff surgery my employer
threatened my employment if i didnt "get the job done"
so i didnt get terminated i began helping the replacement custodian
while still recovering and as a result my rotor cuff was retorn and

caused me to be put on long term disability
as a result i am concidered 20% disabled and terminated based on my

performance for the year i was not able to work because of the rotor

cuff recovery
the injury happened at work but this employer is a small church
and i couldn't get an answer of whether they had workmans comp. ins
because i know churches are exempt from paying in to certain areas of
government such as unemployment
i was forced to use my health insurance while trying to find out
it took over a year to find out and they are denying my workmans comp.
even though there was a witness to my accident
i am in the appeal process of the denial with the ALJ of Dane county

0 answers  |  asked Oct 7, 2017 4:41 PM [EST]  |  applies to Wisconsin

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