220 title given to someone who never did work in that title

roofer provisonal position

1 answer  |  asked Nov 11, 2016 4:19 PM [EST]  |  applies to New York

Answers (1)

Jonas Urba
Are you a union member? If so collective bargaining agreement (CBA) likely covers that but how does it affect you? If you have the position you need, want, are qualified to hold, do you care unless that title and the laborer holding it affects your safety on the job?

I have seen positions go to relatives, friends, favorites, etc.... and unless the CBA, a contract, was violated in some way, would a union arbitrator care if you raised the issue? In law school they told us "if you want "fairness" join a monastery or convent."

You have grievance rights assuming you are union. Before filing decide what you want other than to throw a wrench in the union system created for your members. It's a system and any system is never perfect.

If you truly want to see change become a union steward. Several clients have done that. They may not be totally happy but serving in those roles gives them some power they would otherwise not have. You rock that union boat too much you will either get sick or fall off.

If you are not in a union contact the NLRB and organize. Good luck.

Welcome to the world of unions - more fair, but never perfect.

posted by Jonas Urba  |  Nov 11, 2016 4:54 PM [EST]

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