Afte 15.1 of FMLA/STD I was told return to your job or resign. Ay 12 weeks- no job. Now resign?
I was off 15 weeks FMLA/STD. I was told at 12.1 weeks to apply for any job at the hospital because mine would not be held. I did apply for another job. I lapsed my ACLS/BLS while off. The first RTW day I was called and told to return to my old PACU job or resign. I said you knew I interviewed for another job, less hours. Manager said well I did not fill your job, it was posted the 14th week of my leave. HR had emailed me numerous times benefits would continue to 11/30, time for me to find another job in-house. The HR Director over ruled the FLMA specialist that told me 11/30 was my last benefit day. They forced me back to work the next week, for 2 weeks into November to “get” benefits. Then my hospital email was “purged” and all of the emails from the HR Director we removed. Obviously forcing me back to work was not legal or they would not of “purged” her emails. After 8 calls to IT I insisted all of my emails be return and to document whomever removed them. IT did return the HR Directors emails. What was the game here?
0 answers | asked Dec 4, 2017 9:50 PM [EST] | applies to Missouri
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