Being demoted from Director to Manager or laid off after maternity leave.
As a director of my company I intended to return from Maternity leave on November 5th. My company has delayed my return until November 19th and has offered me a manager position with the same benefits and salary but lower title.
According to my boss this is due to December 11th and a freeze on new positions, my prior position was moved to Osh Kosh Wisconsen during my pregnancy and I was assured of a comprable position upon my return.
I was supposed to rcv. a job description for the manager's postions and have not. I have also contacted my CFO several times by phone and he will not return my phone calls.
I fear being laid off, can I do anything if this turns out to be the case? Thanks for your reply.
Answers (1)

An employee who works in Massachusetts may have rights to reinstatement under either the Family and Medical Leave Act, a federal statute, or under the Massachusetts Maternity Leave Act, a state law, or both. Under both laws, if the employee notifies the employer that she intends to return to work within the period of leave specified in the statute, the employer must give the employee a job, either the same or an equivalent position. Under certain circumstances, the employer is permitted not to give the employee the same or an equivalent job. You may want to contact the Company's human resources department as a first step.
posted by Judith Miller | Nov 12, 2001 1:48 PM [EST]
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