CEO accused me of having an alcohol problem and depression amongst other thing. Can I sue for this?
The CEO of the company that I hat got fired from (I had never even been written up before in the year and a half I worked there) called me into a random meeting with 2 witnesses, neither of which were in the HR department. He brought up me having one glass of wine with dinner on a work trip and then asked me if I had a drinking problem. He then proceeded to ask if I was depressed and if I need a therapist. I was completely blindsided and shocked as I do not have a drinking problem, in fact I rarely drink at all. On top of that, when I was fired, he essentially gave me an ultimatum. He told ke I could resign and receive a good recommendation or be fired. When TWC called to investigate after I applied for unemployment, they told me that he said I quit because I wasn’t happy there anymore. I never quit, in fact I told him I would accept termination because I never had any intention of quitting. Is there anything I can do about this?????
0 answers | asked Sep 29, 2021 8:32 PM [EST] | applies to Texas
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