Can I be denied unemployment if i'm let go for customer complaints?

I have had four customer complaints in the last 365 days and have worked for this retailer for over 8 years. After the third complaint they told me they would have to let me go if I got another same thing after the last fourth one. The customer complaints are from issues where customers are trying to take advantage of the system and where I am the manager that has had to deal with their problem and they didn't like the truth (answer that was given). So they have either called in to the corp or emailed their complaint. These were never about foul abusive or hostile language if it was I would understand. If they let me go for this last one or anything else (that isn't a repeat offense) can they deny unemployment? My state is an at will state so I have been told they can let you go for any reason legit or not.

0 answers  |  asked Oct 3, 2010 3:38 PM [EST]  |  applies to Indiana

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