Can I collect overtime where I work as a cook, over 50 hours a week?
I work at a restaurant where I put in over 50 hours a week sometimes 60. I am not paid any overtime and after 40 hours they pay me in cash. Last week I found they "shorted" me over $60 in cash. So not only am I not receiving any overtime but also not beening paid for the time I work. I am required to work these hours if I want to keep my job. What are the legal rules here. I have kept track of all my hours and I am given a slip of paper from the time clock showing the hours that I have worked. Te ink fades so I started making photo copy's of my receipt of my hour. I need this job but I am being cheated.
0 answers | asked Aug 10, 2011 2:28 PM [EST] | applies to Connecticut
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