Can a company that has federal contracts fire you for your doctor not releasing you back to work
During the winter when the weather dipped to below freezing, I developed bronchitis that was borderline pneumonia. The doctor refused to release me to work due to continued exposure and I had a prior heart attack, I was docked a full point and fired due to absentee and tardiness. In the seven months working there, The days I was late was due to weather and I was less then 5 min. The absentee was when I was hired, I informed them of a doctor appt.I had the following week which they said was fine but ended up docking a full point for that and then the day I missed following my doctors advice. When they terminated me, they said that I was a great worker and that because of the no fault fire policy I would have no trouble getting my unemployment. I am now in the middle of fighting my appeal, because they denied it. I have researched about federal contractors and from everything I have been able to find it seems they should have never deducted the full point for the doctor release. The question is, is what I been reading right and I was wrongfully terminated?
0 answers | asked Mar 19, 2013 3:27 PM [EST] | applies to Nevada
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