Can a witness be fired in the state of Georgia at an unemployment appeal hearing

I was fired for an altercation with a customer. Im manic depressive bipoar and lost my insurance so therefore i could not afford to go my DR and get my meds. My manager and assistant manager were informed immediately! I told them i would be going with some withdrawals and a few weeks later a very rude lady made some very derogatory remarks towards my coworker and i. The customer and i had an exchange of words and she called corporate and they watched the video n then of course i was immediately fired. If i would've had my meds then i would still have my job. My coworker witnessed it all, and she knew about my medicine situation and she wants to be my witness but the the employer has told her she would lose her job if she did and has been using scare "tactics"saying she soon be in big trouble if she did testify. The hearing is tomorrow and i was just informed about this yesterday that she was to scared to testify and also her boss literally making her work for just one hour so that way she can't testify. Pz help ASAP MY COWORKER/BEST FRIEND IS MY ONLY HOPE FOR THIS

0 answers  |  asked Oct 2, 2016 06:22 AM [EST]  |  applies to Georgia

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