Can an employer threaten to fire you, if you don't reschedule a surgery?
Asking on behalf of bf. He needs to get surgery for a hernia 11-23. We gave his managers 2 weeks notice (as soon as we left DR's office). We told them he will only need 1-2 weeks off. One of his managers called and asked if he could just reschedule his surgery, so he can work Black Friday, and said if he couldn't is no big deal. Then his District Manager told him that he has to work Black Friday (because it's a retail holiday) or he's fired. We've always kept him managers informed about DR's appointments, and they knew he was going to need surgery. It causes him pain daily. We even took in all the paperwork regarding his surgery and offered to give them copies. Is it legal for them to make him choose surgery or his job? He always has issues getting days off, unless it's for his Drill (military). One time, he gave 3 months notice for 1 day off for my sister's wedding, and reminded weekly. Then the assistant manager told him he would have to work because he didn't give enough notice. But now they are threatening his job if he doesn't reschedule his surgery or come work 2 days after surgery. If I could get references to laws or anything that we could use to protect his job, that'd be great!
0 answers | asked Nov 11, 2016 4:42 PM [EST] | applies to Idaho
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