Can be considered a defamation case under Florida Law: If the employer; represents by a department's Manager applied a corrective action, written up, with absolutely No Grounds for it. Having the employee all the factual documentation that prove that the
I received a written up correction of action with absolutely No grounds or baseless statements: for instanc, in the case, the Manager allegated that I worked Over Time without previous authorization by the supervisor. I do have an over time authorization approval form signed by the same supervisor for the exact day and time referred by the manager, but not only that the same supervisor that signed negated with his signature in the written up his own approval. Another: The Manager and supervisor statement states that I do not complete my Work order as a technician in an amazing contradiction I do have an official spreadsheet from the corporate office in where I appear as the 2nd tech in W/O completion with a 98 % if completion ( out of 131 W/O 128 ) in the same exact period that they were evaluated , thus document was handed by the same supervisor .
0 answers | asked Sep 5, 2021 4:08 PM [EST] | applies to Florida
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