Can employee sue employer for firing for giving 2 weeks notice and not giving paycheck?
My husband has been at his job over 15 years. His job is in Florida. He JUST got another job but has not put his notice in yet at his present employer. He said that EVERYONE that has put their notice in at his present employer has been let go (pretty much fired). He wants to put in his resignation (2 weeks notice) but he is afraid THEY WILL fire him as soon as he does that and not pay him for those last 2 weeks. IF they let him go (for NO OTHER reason except the fact that he put in his 2 weeks notice) is there a way he can sue them for those two weeks for his pay. I say that because he has bills and child support that he has to pay. If they just up and let him go (from just putting in his 2 week resignation) unemployment WILL NOT pay both our bills AND child support for those 2 weeks. I know Florida has an "at will" law and I am suspecting
that he most likely cannot sue them. If not can he get unemployment? He is thinking he might just wait and NOT give them a 2 weeks notice just because he has bills and
child support. Unemployment is JUST NOT ENOUGH to pay all of that. He just does not want to burn his bridges (even though he KNOWS he will never go back to that job). He
would like to have that job as a reference if he ever decides in the near future to get another job (especially since he has been at this job for 15+ years--they are his ONLY
Thank you SO MUCH,
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