Can retaliation take place over time? I settled my complaint 3yrs ago...

3yrs ago I filed complaint and settled out of court. Since then I have been denied all promotions I applied for, even lateral positions. My performance is excellent the best in state I meet and exceed all goals. My goals are now the highest in the state larger than others who have more staffing. It impacts my income as I don’t get paid the same amount as other individuals who do the same amount of work or less work because the have 50% less of a goal but given 2x the staff. I’ve asked my company for answers they just tell me “it’s not perfect model but it is what is. Since you continue hit the goals they increase” but if I don’t hit the goals I can be put on performance plan and terminated. Things have progressively got worse since I settled on complaint and I chose to just ignore things such as being overpicked for promotions, being denied staffing support, and the goal increases because I didn’t want to believe this could be possibly happening that a company this large would be retaliating, I still don’t know if this would even be considered retaliation. It just doesn’t make sense. Is it retaliation? Should I raise a concern with the state?

0 answers  |  asked Feb 1, 2020 12:24 PM [EST]  |  applies to Wisconsin

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