Clock in time, and garnishment for non-payers
My employer requests us to be at work at a specific time, however, we are not allowed to clock in until we are needed. We cannot leave, due to the employer not knowing when we will be needed, yet are not allowed to work until she says so, even though we have to be there at a designated time. Can she do this??
Also, in Texas, can an employee be held liable for guests who leave without paying the restaurant, and have wages garnished?
Answers (1)

Generally, if you are required to be onsite and cannot leave or perform other activities because of your employer's rule, you may be entitled to payment for this time.
Regarding the wage deduction for guests' bills, a Texas employer cannot deduct from your payment without a written authorization. Also any deductions cannot put you under minimum wage.
Give me a call and I can explain more 214 303 1022.
posted by Barry Hersh | Dec 23, 2006 09:32 AM [EST]
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