Collecting Unemployment under a resignation for unethical behavior?
I'm curious if I'm capable of being granted unemployment given I have just put in my formal resignation at my job. I was the Director of Marketing at a consulting firm that was owned by one person who was my boss. I state this as the reason I left was for unacceptable reasons based on unethical practices by the owner/boss that made it nearly impossible to work in a functioning capacity. My boss/owner of the company began drinking alcohol (not hidden either) in the late mornings and was unprofessionally intoxicated by noon making it an extremely uncomfortable and disfunctional environment to work in. He was incoherently disruptive to my work and my/our companies clients. I'm curious if I can collect unemployment while I transition to another job.
1 answer | asked Jul 17, 2007 08:44 AM [EST] | applies to Wisconsin
Answers (1)

Your situation may be considered a "constructive discharge"--when the employer has so changed the conditions of employment that a reasonable person would feel compelled to resign. Under those circumstances, you can receive unemployment if you are otherwise eligible. Just make sure you tell the investigator that you were "constructively discharged." It's a legal term that they will likely understand as shorthand for your situation.
Janet Heins
Heins Law Office LLC
(262) 241-8444
posted by Janet L. Heins | Jul 17, 2007 09:01 AM [EST]
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