Could I get unemployment benefits if I choose to leave my job?
I am manager of a small business and gave birth to my son a year ago. My son was born with many health problems and I was not able to go to back to work on a full time schedule. President of the company said they would work with me on my schedule. Now a year later have been called in and pretty much given the option of a demotion and pay cut (which I cant really afford) or for more time and concentration as manager of a company (which I understand but my son cannot attend a daycare and we have no one to watch a child with his needs). He is on a feeding tube 24/7 and has a severe heart condition. I understand they need a full time manager, but to work at minimum wage or close to it as opposed to the wages I was used to making would probably equal to the same I would make drawing unemployment and would not have to worry about not giving my son the attention he needs right now. He is giving me the decision but it is clear to me he is doing everything possible not to fire me and pay unemployment but to keep me around for my expertise and help around the office. Could I for that reason choose to leave voluntarily and still get unemployment compensation?
0 answers | asked Sep 28, 2010 07:26 AM [EST] | applies to Tennessee
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