Could I qualify for unemployment benefits?
I recently resigned a position. After speaking with my supervisors, I reconsidered & rescinded the resignation, which both encouraged me to do & told me would be no problem. When I decided to rescind, I was told by the senior of the 2 supervisors that she had spoken with her boss (executive level manager and direct report to the President)& they needed a letter stating such. Ten minutes after submitting the letter, the supervisor emailed the departmental staff that I was staying. Less than 24 hours later, however, she called to say the President would not accept the rescindment because he was creating a policy to keep people from doing this because of an incident with another employee. My separation notice indicates Voluntary Resignation, but because of the situation, am I now considered "fired" or "let go"? If so, could I qualify for unemployment benefits?
0 answers | asked Jun 7, 2011 06:49 AM [EST] | applies to Georgia
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