Do I have a case
I am disabled.
I was hired about 3 years ago when shortly therafter, the manager I was to work for was moved aside for what later became my last manager. I was just laid off. The origional mananger did nothing to "Onboard me to the group", nor set clear work directives as to what I was be responsible for. When she learned that she was to be moved aside, she elected to defer that the new new manager. I was hired to transform a computer forecast model to a new system and, since that wouldn't take up my whole day, I would work on forecasting various decurities.
When others were leaving the group and there was a need for me to help out, co workers gave me work to do. With little training, I assumed the responsibilitieds of a departing co wroker.
The new managers , who were all privy to the happenings of my situation, were lokong to move me out of the group.
They had me interview for a job which was way below my skill set with a false promise thaht we were to embark on the work for which I was origionally hired for.
When I complained, I went back to working on the tasks that the coworkers put on my desk. I had minimal training/direction for any manager to this point.
Whena later review came out that I was not doing acceptable level work, I complained that the review was false and I was doing the same as everyone else despite having no training. I spoke with HR and later filed a charge with the EEOC.
Whjen the company was served, I expeced the situation to get better.
I did not sue.
A few months ago, I was placed on probabtion, which I again compained to HR as being unmerrited, and then spoke with legal.
I spoke with legal because I stated my boss falisfied my review in the same manor he has respun fianancials to the board of directors as being more optimistic.
When there were layoffs, I was let go.
Are there grounds for a lawsuit....retalitation or disability discrimination.
I am well qualified for my former job, but since my last manager moved into the group, he has marginalized me and done as much as he could to minamilze my impact as well as utality.
New people were hired in the last year that carved out wokr that I was perfectly qualified to do.
Please advide.
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