Do I have a strong case against my employer for breach of confidentiality?
My employer gave me 4 days to decide if I would resign or be terminated due to the fact that I do not have certification needed for the position I have been in for nearly a decade. I turned in my forced resignation as I need my pay and benefits to continue until I can find another position. An email was sent to my entire staff that was supposed to contain my resignation letter, but instead it contained the point by point agenda of my meeting with HR ( we checked your personnel file, ask for her certification, tell her she can resign or be terminated; we will give you positive reference; don't talk to anyone in organization, not allowed on campus, no use of company email, this meeting is strictly confidential and you may not talk to anyone about it except HR, Board doesn't know about it, etc.) This email has "gone viral" to persons that work in similar businesses outside of my employer's business. My position is very unique and there are very few positions like it in the State. I'm afraid I'm damaged and will not be able to find new work in a similar position.
0 answers | asked Apr 13, 2019 5:25 PM [EST] | applies to Michigan
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