Do I have any kind of case?
I was terminated from my waitress job for supposed bad comment cards which I never saw or was reprimanded for. I have already filed for unemployment. There are some things too that the employer does that I think may be illegal. He will dock you 1 hour pay if you forget to clock OUT. He makes us pay for to go orders that are not picked up and also makes us pay for walk outs. I know that I may sound like a disgruntled employee but working for him has been hell for three years but I needed the job and made good tips. He creates a very hostile work environment buy yelling at the employees in front of customers and one time took me out into the parking lot to yell and actually cuss at me for forgetting to clock out. There is no employee handbook or any documented policies. He is never in the restaurant and there is a server and a cook there as well who are always making sexual comments and swearing at each other. Everyone who still works there is afraid of reporting any of this to anyone for fear of losing their jobs. I've already lost mine...what do I have to lose?
0 answers | asked Jun 26, 2013 3:39 PM [EST] | applies to Arizona
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