Do I have recourse for not accepting comparable job?
I just found out my position is being outsourced to a third party company. We will be offered positions to work for this company and given a few days to accept, and if we decline, we will be out of a job in a few months from now. I am assuming I would not be eligible for unemployment benefits (if necessary) if I rejected this new position. My company offers severance packages for laid off employees, but I would not be eligible for that either if I did not accept this position.
Their offer is my base rate with a small (like, $20 a week more) increase which on the surface seems better than nothing, but through other benefits (bonus, cellphone, other services paid for, etc.) I'll be losing in the process, I will be taking a hit of about $15k per year.
If I declined the offer because I did not believe it was comparable, do I have any recourse based on my argument, or is a "comparable job" only considered to be about base rate and skills performed?
Thank you.
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