Falsified Review
Okay...for all those attorneys that may be in response to my dilema (of which I am truly appreciative and gratefull)or in review: here is the latest update. A true test for your profession.
-My law firm managed to send my review I have been in demand of. That "outstanding review" was held on 3/25/02 with Adm. and Supervisor. 6% salary increase to boot.
Yesterday a call came in from Managing Partner refusing to send out the review in lieu of a signed resignation letter from me. (this is to include a hold on my promised final payroll check and Cobra extended benefits package-by the way, foolishly left on my voice mail of which I have saved)
Not going to happen. I did not resign. I was terminated on 3/28/02 and sent home immediately.
Review arrived today. Altered. I have the original, that I took a copy of (of course, prior to my signature as I was not anticipating all of this chaos and would, as normal, retrieve the "signed" review within a few days under normal conditions).
It states everything opposite. I was given a "2" rating which exceeds goals and performance. The one in todays mail: 3.
There are typed in notations as to poor performance, lack of interest, internet useage on company time, etc....you name it. (none of this is on the original nor was any of this brought up in the original one on one review. Just the opposite...it was all outstanding and jovial.)
Catcher here: the one sent in today's mail is signed and dated 04/08/02..9 days after I was terminated! The one I signed in office was 03/25/02!! The actual date of the review.
It is filled with everything opposite of the original review and makes me appear to have been a non-productive employee...which is in total contrast to all my past performance review over a 3 year period.
During this ordeal, I do so appreciate the assistance from the attorneys online. I know this is not nor should it be a reflection of "law" or "firms" that conduct law. Bottom line: retaliation. Why? Because I am a fighter and not a quitter? Because I may have crashed...but will not burn??
What bothers me here is that my field is and has been "law" with many years spent in working toward a career in law enforcement which, of course, would require a full background investigation into employment records. Now this. The firm was aware of this ongoing goal..now they have tarnished it.
I was informed the firm has done this to other employees and actually altered their personnel files after termination or resignation to condemn the employee. Most were unknowing until a potential career investigation was needed.
How can a firm be so unethical? Why do they attempt to destroy one's credibility for the future which would serve no purpose for them?
My last law firm of 6 years (civil litigation) I was in management. I resigned due to a serious family illness that required my care and full attention. A difficult decision. No recourse, no negligence, no retaliation.
A clean record. Worked my final two weeks, received compensation to boot.
This is a well know Insurance firm. I was part of the staff legal counsel. They have been downsizing, cutting back, cutting corners and involved in some not so ethical dealings....
I will not be defeated by this.
The next step is to see if they are actually going to fullfill payroll on the 12th of this month. In yesterdays conversation with HR, after receiving the call from the Managing Partner (on voice mail, no less) refusing to do so, and threatening to hold back all compensation to include medical coverage without a resigantion letter...we will see.
Day by day, they shovel one more pile of dirt upon themselves. I may not be an attorney, but I've been in law for 13 years. I am intelligent, upstanding, honest and have integrity. Let's see which way the axe falls by the end of the week.
I am not going to sit by and let them intimidate me. Which is what they are attempting and threatening. I may be just an average "jane doe"...but, I put alot into this firm to develope a department that never was..kept it strong and working. I worked on my own time to learn every aspect and to succeed.....now they think they've tarnished my future career goals I've worked many, many years for?
I will have the law on my side.
Responses welcomed.
Answers (1)

you have put far too much up on this public website. but you still have not indicated what was the underlying reason for your termination. regardless of your background in law, you need to see an employment specialist immediately. if you are in southern california, call me to see if i can help you.
janet koehn
posted by Janet M. Koehn | Apr 9, 2002 11:00 PM [EST]
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