Fired for something the company cannot prove - wrongful?
According to the plant manager, I was fired because an employee that worked for me, recently filed a complaint and said I was verbally abusive to her. This is in fact not true, I have never had an issue with this person and I do not know why she would have said this.
I was not shown anything documenting this complaint. The employer also said they had "several" other complaints against me and that is why i was being fired. Another complaint was from a person that said I talked too much about my religious beliefs when in fact the only time I ever talked religion was if I was asked a question pertaining to the Bible,I never forced this issue with anyone. The only complaint that I was shown documentation for was, about 9 mos ago some people filed complaints against me of various natures and when the plant manager looked into it he said the only 2 he found to be legitimate were-
1. I allowed 2 employees to come in and work different hours than scheduled without mgmt approval. (did them a favor and others complained)
2. I got angry and dropped a piece of equipment on the floor rather than setting it down.
Was i wrongfully fired?
Answers (1)

It does appear that you were wrongfully discharged in the moral sense. But in Michigan, most employee's (those without contracts or members of a union) are employed at-will. At-will employees may be terminated at any time for any reason so long as the reason is not illegal (illegal reasons include discrimination based on a protected category like age, race, sex, etc.). The following link describes the law of wrongful discharge in Michigan:
posted by Brad Glazier | Feb 20, 2001 2:42 PM [EST]
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