hello my husband after 13 yrs at his job as a supervisor was wrongfully terminated . the company has not given him a evaluation in two yrs and he has always been told how well hes was doing . this company made false accusations which we can prove they are wrong as well as after unemployment did their investigation they found no evidence of why he was terminated ! we have the letter stating that this has caused a major stress on our family as we live in a company owned home he was made to sign earlier in the yr a lease addendum which is unrealistic he signed under duress it states if the employee leaves or is terminated they have 72 hrs to leave . we are havig them take us to court we are a family of 4 with two dogs and while livig here have put our own money into this home and pulled up its value not only has this company done unlawful things but they are putting all of us under alot of undue stress we have offered to pay for a couple extra months as we all know to get into a new home takes a bit it makes me sick that this company is able to do this to us and other families please help i know we have a case here
0 answers | asked Mar 18, 2014 09:18 AM [EST] | applies to Maryland
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