Have I Libelously Defamed?
My present employer was part owner in my previous employer's company during the time that I feel I have a strong EEOC case for pay discrimination. My present employer and my previous employer are brothers who also arbitrating with each other right now over the fact that he hired me away from them-which is not true because I was already leaving because I believe I was being discriminated against.
In regards to my claim of pay discrimination - before resigned my position with my previous employer, (I am female) I found out that a male employee had made $31K more than I did during the same year that he and I performed the same job,I had seniority, I trained him, etc. I am a christian and I believe that you should go to the person you have the problem with before you do anything else. So I sent an email to my previous employer presenting my case, making some undisputable statements of fact, some opinions, and I made a lot of If-then statements "if it is found to have basis in fact, then I will pursue the matter in arbitration" etc. etc. At my present employer's company (the brother), we are allowed to use company equipment for personal use, I sent the email originating from my present company's email because I mistakenly did not change the email sender to my personal email address before sending. My present employer does not stand to gain anything by the knowlege of my claim, in fact, my present employer has told me that it's a private matter between me and ex-employer but that if I feel that I needed to pursue it, he would not judge me for doing so. So, to sum this up, the mistakened 3rd party (the brother-also my present employer) (1)already knew about this information because I wanted to know if he would think bad of me for pursing the matter with his brother, (2)does not care about the information, (3)stands to gain nothing from the knowledge and (4)already thinks his brother has questionable character. My previous employer is known to be vindictive, therefore, If he tries to claim libel defamation due to 3rd party disclosure - do they have a case?
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