Hi My name is Yvette, I have a coworker that from Ethiopia he has made sever different comments to me that I'm not comfortable with, one of them was that his nationality wouldn't date my kind will never date us because we're too big mouth and yes I am Afr

I'm having problems with a coworker he says disrespectful things to me I don't understand what the problem is between the both us, I don't have a problem with him I have always been respectful towards him and everyone else, but now he's just making all kinds of disrespectful comments about me and I feel that there is a law to protect me from him with my reputation. He has went as far as calling me stupid saying I'm a liar saying that I don't respect myself. just please help me if you can. thank you!

1 answer  |  asked Aug 24, 2015 06:21 AM [EST]  |  applies to Florida

Answers (1)

Arthur Schofield
Sounds like your co-worker harbors a discriminatory attitude towards you. With a co-worker engaging in this behavior, your first step would be to bring it to the attention of the companies HR department. If they fail to stop his comments and behavior, I would recommend filing a Charge with the EEOC. As for the latter, I also recommend that you do so through counsel as it it potentially the first step in a lawsuit. Best of luck and hope this helps.

posted by Arthur Schofield  |  Aug 24, 2015 07:39 AM [EST]

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