I am on intermittent FMLA. I have had great reviews and never a problem at work. I was written up by my boss for petty things he's requiring me to copy him in all emails I'm not being treated as I was prior to FMLA. My 30 day performance write up has pass
Needed to go on FMLA due to anxiety and depression.
Had to wait because my boss removed all of my job responsibilities so I no longer had a job description. This caused trouble for my manager for doing things like removing all job responsibilities and not notifying HR. Once I was given a new job description I took it to my dr. Papers completed and HR. Approved the intermittent FMLA. I was written up for small errors made after being placed on intermittentFMLA ( reduced schedule) I'm having to blind copy my boss in all my emails this after 3 years of great reviews never one problem. He divided my previous responsibility might be too stressful for me. My 30 day Performance is this Thursday. His treatment since begining of FMLA to which I hardly use but do if I know I won't be able to perform my current position as the customer service person for my department. He questions me daily and last week he was in San Diego for business. He said although away we would be "tethered" via email. My therapist I've seen off and on for 12 years but now weekly or bi weekly suggest requesting a move from the department it's very toxic and in reading some of his emails to me he's a Bully. His wife is one of our cooperate attorneys. I can't get any information to what is FMLA what are my rights can I be fired due to an error made on FMLA . I'm in such fear I now have to take medication before I go to work for such sever symptoms of anxiety anti nausea medication, and don't leave my desk to go to the ladies room or lunch because I'm so afraid I'll loose my job that I love. My health is deteriorating rabidly according to my PH.D. Psychologist. She's so concerned she's given me her cell phone so I can tx her when I am in a severe panic attack. What should I do? Can I ask to be transferred?
Answers (1)

posted by Arthur Schofield | Apr 19, 2016 05:56 AM [EST]
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