I faked depression to get off of work on FMLA for 12 weeks so I could start my own business. I think my employer found out about the new business. I'm still on leave. What should I do?
I saw my PA and told her I was depressed and couldn't go back to work. In one visit she filled out my FMLA paperwork to take me off of work for 12 weeks. I was supposed to see a therapist once a week but I haven't seen one yet. I've been off for 9 weeks so far. I used my time off from my regular job to start my own business and I advertised on my Facebook page. My new business has been going great and I posted photos almost everyday. I think a coworker reported me to my supervisor. What should I do?
0 answers | asked Aug 18, 2020 10:23 AM [EST] | applies to Illinois
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