I have a part time job, 20 a week. I had surgery and cannot drive, but 3 weeks later, I had someone drive me to work 1, 2, 3, then 4 days because they said I needed to be in the office. It set my recovery back so I asked to be accommodated to work at home
After my 7 week surgical evaluation, my surgeon ordered physical therapy. I was hoping to work from home to allow me to have greater access to appointments. There was no trouble with doing that in the beginning, but the push back came after I put the request in writing. computer. I was even told that maybe I'm just not capable of doing my job, which is untrue. They get 20 hours of work from me each week. I use a company-issued lap top (we all get them to use at home if there's extra work so we can keep up). My boss seems to think that 6 weeks recovery is sufficient. My knee surgery will have a minimum of 3 months recovery including P/T. I'm afraid they'll use the "we just don't have any work for you" or "we're eliminating the position", but I know there's not anybody else who can easily pick this work up as people left for other jobs and the rest of us just keep getting it piled on. What if that's just an excuse as retaliation for asking for the work from home accommodation
0 answers | asked Oct 15, 2018 3:46 PM [EST] | applies to Florida
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