I have a question .. 1 st missed day of work was Sept 8 th 2014 I used Eib time n then went on a Fmla my surgery for me was female stuff .. Dr didn't have an opening Untill Dec 8 th but had a cancel and got me in on Oct 20 th 2014 put me off work for 8 fu
I have a question .. 1 st missed day of work was Sept 8 th 2014 I used Eib time n then went on a Fmla my surgery for me was female stuff .. Dr didn't have an opening Untill Dec 8 th but had a cancel and got me in on Oct 20 th 2014 put me off work for 8 full weeks return date for work the 22 nd of Dec .. To full duty however my original complaint combo my low back pain was still making me unable to do my job .. So 4 weeks after surgery I was released as far as able to return to chiro for back pain treatment but was still unable to do core strengthing very limited activity Untill Dec 22 nd so my chiro did what he was allowed to do ... Physical therapy was ordered to start on Dec 22, to evaluate me .. Today my work sent me a letter stating my fmla ran out on dec 2nd n I now need to take a leave of absence n pay for my own premium ins ... I used my short term ins n now on long term ins till I return to work ... My work stated now that fmla is exhausted I lose my current position of 4 yrs .. N need to take leave of absence but I lose all my benefits n current job status n time served that now when I come back even if it's the 22 nd I have to reapply for another position if there is any available but I'm restarting a new hire date if they hire me back ? Can they strip me of everything n make me start all over ?
0 answers | asked Dec 17, 2014 10:12 PM [EST] | applies to Illinois
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