I have an employment offer which I accepted 1.5 years ago which states

In addition to cutting back to 10 paid holidays, they have also handed out pretty weak bonuses even after revenue was doubled this year. It is a small company and I like it there. I feel that they are dialing back my compensation rather than inflating it. TRICKLE TRICKLE. In my original job offer- it clearly states "12 Paid Holidays per year".

1 answer  |  asked Jan 4, 2017 7:00 PM [EST]  |  applies to New York

Answers (1)

Jonas Urba
Remember that an employment offer is not the same as an employment contract. If there is no start and stop date you are likely an employee at will. If you believe you are under contract pay a lawyer to advise you.

Bonuses and other benefits such as vacation or holidays are discretionary for at will employees. Without a contract or union agreement no employer is required to provide them.

Of course if you are improperly salaried or not exempt from hourly pay (i.e. they pay you salary when you should be paid by the hour) they may owe you back pay, liquidated damages, and attorneys' fees. Consult a lawyer in that scenario.

Otherwise your choice may be to watch compensation squeezed tight or find a new job.

posted by Jonas Urba  |  Jan 5, 2017 05:27 AM [EST]

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