I have been employed as a college Instructor since 2009. In 2010, My college transferred me to commute part time to another facility, one they did not own. Since the first day I have been abused. I was asked to start up a program with no equipment, no too
Contracts, Overtime: VP ripped my contract for Overtime up, told me I could not continue having it. It was signed by three other supervisors, only he ripped it up, and the other three supervisors did not initial or sign any changes to it.
Defamation at Work, Discrimination, Harassment:
I have documents that fill a half a dozen flash drives where I have been blamed, accused, verbally mocked, lied about, everything you can imagine. Basically --I was bullied by a competitor’s administration where I was forced to go and begin a new program for our college. I did a good job, better than their instructor --he lost students, I gained students. Newspaper called my program a "Job Engine", since then they have broken every policy that they have concerning everything from mandatory minimum supplies, budgets, to physical work space, computers for the students, and continuous email complaints (non with any merit) written to my superiors, to the point that I am now on medication for a Panic Disorder. I have written proof and documents that refute beyond any doubt --at all --that their complaints were false, deluded, and made to make me look bad.
I have paper work that proves that I was not even at the location during times that some of their frivolous complaints took place.
I was brought to a meeting, Positive Discipline, because their security guard complained. I refuted the false allegation and have the proof. Further, I rebutted that his actions created an extremely unsafe condition in my lab.
The next evening I was tailgated by an SLO officer as I left to go home and viciously passed by him at close to three time the speed limit. I was terrified. This is a short list, currently I am on F M L A leave for the medical condition that started when they transferred me, "Panic Disorder", I have been to Counseling, dozens and dozens of sessions over the last 4 years, and I spent ten days in a ward, "Focus by the Sea" when the anxiety and stress became unbearable.
I am on medication for this. Last February I was assaulted by my Vice president for not disclosing my personal password to him for a personal account. This meeting was not made aware to my supervisor, the Dean, or HR. until AFTER I left during a full blown panic attack. That was the start of my FMLA, which my Doctor certified; she also said that if the conditions do not change, then my condition will most likely not get better.
I need legal help!! I am losing my livelihood, my good reputation, career, my daughter left home and moved a thousand miles away when she turned 18 because she could not stand the bitter, stressed out person I had become. No sleep, lost weight, panic, terror....fear.. it has wrecked us.
Retaliation: They are now trumping up a charge that I copyrighted some material --which is false, but since they have had 12 weeks and an IT department
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