I signed an employment contract that had a non compete clause. My employer has failed to pay me according to the contract guidelines they created. Because they breached this clause in the agreement can this render the non compete clause null and void sinc
I signed an employment agreement that included the transfer of certain assets of my business to the new employer. The asset value was a mutually agreed upon value but there was no compensation for the non compete clause which was part of the employment contract. The employer has failed to compensate me according to the terms they outlined in the employment contract. I have asked repeatedly for the compensation I am due and my requests have gone unanswered. I have resigned from this unethical company and moved on. I am trying to determine if the non compete clause which was part of the employment contract, is still valid since they have breached the contract in terms of what they agreed to pay me. The basis of me agreeing to the transfer of my former business assets and for going to work for this company was this employment contract and how I was going to be compensated. I do not seek to retain my former business assets or to be compensated for the wages they owe me, I would rather have the non compete clause declared invalid due to their breach of contract.
1 answer | asked Oct 19, 2015 7:09 PM [EST] | applies to Ohio
Answers (1)

posted by David Neel | Oct 19, 2015 7:29 PM [EST]
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