I was Laid off on good terms and also received unemployment benefits. 10 yrs later i re apply at the same job and they told me i was fired. Can i use my unemployment documentation that i received back then as evidence that i was at no fault and that the e
I was laid off after the district manager was laying off most of the employees. To my knowledge i left on good terms. I accepted the lay off and was offered references to get another job. I applied for unemployment and was approved due to being at no fault. I received unemployment for a couple weeks. 9 or 8 years go by i reapply again and was hired and scheduled to work. That same day they pull me aside on my first day to inform me that they cant hire me because i was terminated in 2008. The manager in 2008 were fired all the staff in 2008 were fired not a single one works at this company today in 2016. They said i was terminated for reasons which i had no clue i did because i was never consoled about it. I feel wronged because i watched the managers in 2008 doing drugs, stealing. and leaving me at work alone which caused overtime and overtime wasn't allowed. It was not a drug free environment. I wanted to know if The documentation i have from unemployment(my benefits i received) can be used to prove that i wasn't fired. For instance can that pull weight in an argument so to speak.
0 answers | asked Oct 27, 2016 11:43 PM [EST] | applies to Florida
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