I was demoted because apparently I was making my partners turn against each other and it wasn't a good work environment. I never agreed to that. Can you please advise
A partner at work called the hot line at work and said that it was hard to work with me. So HR started an investigation and came back to tell me about the investigation and told me what it is I needed to work on in order to maintain a safe work environment for partners and said that if this continue I could be removed or terminated. Holidays came and went it was very busy but I thought everything was ok because they had closed the investigation. Went on vacation came back and HR was back in the store and talked to me and said that the reason they were talking to me was because it had gotten worst and they needed to remove me from my duties and they were willing to keep me but at different location and as an hourly partner. Can you please advise
0 answers | asked May 17, 2018 8:54 PM [EST] | applies to Texas
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