I was fired for sexual harassment and need help please.
I just read article by Neil Klingshirn about Sexual Harassment and the Rights of the Accused. I read it because last Friday I was fired for sexual harassment. I need your help. I'm in New Hampshire and you're in Ohio so I'm not really sure what you can do but I think I have a compelling case for the "punishment not fitting the crime". You wrote that "an employer should not conduct a "Kangaroo Court", which is exactly what happened to me. I was suspended late Wednesday night and was fired Friday afternoon. I was never called in to explain the situation until Friday afternoon, after the decision had been made to fire me. I was told that because I had admitted to what I had been accused of a pattern had been established and that because the company has a zero tolerance policy toward sexual harassment they had no alternative but to fire me in order to avoid a potential lawsuit by my accuser.
I had been employed for over 20 years. I've never been accused of anything like this before. I admit I joked with a female co-worker but I had no idea she was offended by what I had said and done. I was told that she felt uncomfortable around me. She never said anything to me, not that she had to, but if she had I would have apologized immediately and not repeated my offensive behavior. I never touched her or came on to her. I know it's not right to joke around about sexual matters with female co-workers. I was an idiot. I had let down my guard and used poor judgment. But was my behavior so offensive that I should be fired? Some would probably agree that it was. In my opinion firing me was far more offensive.
I know that victims of sexual harassment have rights, as they should. I have two daughters and would not like them to experience sexual harassment. However, I have a hard time believing that what I did was so grievous that I should lose my job and health benefits. If there's anything you can do to help me I would really appreciate it. Thank you, Paul Williams
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