I was given the option of getting fired without reason or resign with severance pay and agreement of all the executive director wanted. I was set up for months (finding good out after the fact) to quit or get fired. One of the 2 women who caused this is f
I was hired in March 2008 as a cashier. Moved into the office as an assistant in the assistance department of St Vincent design Paul NKY in November 2009 and in 2011 became the director of the Assistance Department. I had 3 assistantso 2 did not like me. 1 -because she did not like that I had written her up in 2014 for talking degrading remarks about me to others when I was not there. 2 - She was high on something and I confronted her. She claimed it talked to her boyfriend. I had said "Hi" to him twice. The other assistant I had wrote a 7 page letter to the executive director telling him about what these 2 women had been doing. However, he didn't care because I sent complaints and complained myself about him , the executive director of gross abuse of management and 7 of us where wanting something to change.
0 answers | asked Nov 30, 2015 06:39 AM [EST] | applies to Kentucky
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