I was hired to work 40 hours per week. I work for a small kinda Triple A company. My employer expects me to have my laptop and company cell phone with me at all times on my time off. If I receive a call on my cell phone and complete a dispatch to a tow tr

Work M-F 40 hours M-F 8:30 am - 5:00 pm, paid hourly.
Work for a company similar to a Triple A roadside business.
Expected to answer cell phone calls from customers and carry laptop at all times during evenings and weekends, my normal time off.
Only paid for time worked away from the office if I answer a call from a customer and I completely dispatch the roadside call to tow truck company. Then I'm only paid $15 for each dispatched call that doesn't cancel before the tow truck arrives at the problem location.

Should I be paid for all this time during my time off that I'm expected to answer calls from customers?

0 answers  |  asked Jan 31, 2016 1:35 PM [EST]  |  applies to Washington

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