I was ill and out of work for 4 days. My employer paid me for those days when I didn't have the sick time accumulated to cover it. Now they are making me work those hours to make up for it. Can they do that?
I was ill and out of work for 4 days, a total of 30 hours. I am a salary employee. My employer paid me for those days when I didn't have the sick time accumulated to cover it. It was my bosses decision to add the 30 hours under the sick time section on our payroll spreadsheet. She said, "lets try it and see if payroll approve's." Well, it was approved. Now, almost two months later they are saying that I will have to make up those hours on top of my regular 80 hours worked. In addition, during this time I was out ill my boss approved one of my hourly employees to work 16 hours of overtime to cover my shifts when there was another employee available to cover those shifts and the overtime could have easily been avoided. When I returned back to work I was told that I had to make up those 16 hours of overtime. Can they do that? This just seems shady and unlawful.
0 answers | asked Mar 8, 2017 7:18 PM [EST] | applies to Texas
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