I work with out of Troy Michigan and from home for their client which is. Major Client company.

I work with job out of Troy Michigan and from home for their client which is. Major company. The job is a technical advisor thru chat services, I was hired in April of 2017 started in june 2017 end of. This year has been hectic for me I have had womanly issues that cause me to use bathroom often, in June I finally went to the doctor and had to be sent to a gynecologist which September towards end had to start having surgeries, then what came back was that I needed another procedure again surgery and in October I had been having issues with customer satisfaction survey emails that we must get at least 85% for the month on well I did not have a full month as I was out on FMLA due to surgery so when I came back was wrote up on performance again October comes around and of course another surgery and being wrote up I had to meet goal or be put on final written well also in October you are put on all hands on deck and suppose to have training practice for taking 3 chats at a time well I never had a opportunity to do this as I was out on leave also my stats plummeted worse yet for these surveys as customers were unhappy with the company and I got the blunt of it as when the end of month rolled around did not make goal 85% and now November starts I was in a supervisor role making 16 a hour I was told by quality assurance that was the last help I had one day prior to this talk that no one meet goal not to worry what are they going to do write the whole team up well that being said my day came November 13 and a supervisor reached out that I never spoke w prior told me well as you know you really did not meet goal and was worse what we decided instead of termination due to being on final written that we are willing to have you demote you back and no longer supervisor and take the dollar pay cut so now at 15 a hr no paperwork to agree too only verbal also which I thought was strange as I had to sign all other write ups. I was on FMLA in October also so I never got full month of actually trying to make goal nor any training that you would think to help me improve also since the 13th my team lead has not bothered to send email giving any information as to how to reach out to them or phone numbers or even tried or attempted to give me any one on one attention that is to happen 1x a week for 30 minutes, I know this from previous happenings. Now when I go into work I do not have a chat room to report to like I am off in another world alone no help and about to have a 3 rd surgery and I did not make goal again in November so my questions are is this right can a employer do this can I quit and do I have some good cause to getting unemployment as I truly believe I have been shafted with this experience seems like. Again I am in Michigan any insight you may have for me I would greatly appreciate advice on what I should do? I am possibly looking at quit and collect unemployment but concerned if i wont get it or not.

0 answers  |  asked Dec 3, 2019 11:59 AM [EST]  |  applies to Michigan

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