If a bias BM contributes to an adverse action, does the employee have a wrongful discharge case?

If a bias BM contributes to an adverse action, does the employee have a wrongful discharge case under title VII?
Under UMSA bias boss contributed to infraction Is unlawful. But is it unlawful under title VII for a bias boss to contribute interfer cause partial or full infraction .
Examples: IF employee filed internal HR complaint for age etc discrimination or coworker harassment, EEOC DOL NLRB or OSHA, then the bias boss calls, employee with repeated missing payroll papers, threatens to file counter defamation/slap suit and sends employee fails payroll instructions then fires that employee for following false payroll instruction.
Employee later file another rest complaint against bias boss safety and unsafe working conditions by boss . The bias boss puts employee in further unsafe working conditions. The employee complains again. Bias boss fired employee for following false payroll instructions But not her male roommate who has done the same timesheet errors for a year.
Employers defense is, "We dont know, what going on with other employees. We didn't know about other employee payroll infractions"
Desparate treatment with close proximity to protected activity.

0 answers  |  asked Mar 8, 2015 8:58 PM [EST]  |  applies to North Dakota

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