If offered a lower wage, or work 2 more months to find different job at same pay, if I don't find a different job in 2 months, will I be eligible for unemployment benefits?
Boss hired me on at a decent wage to lure me from my previous job. After 10 months he's decided I'm not doing my jobs up to his standards, so wants me to look for a different job and he'd pay me for 2 monhs at same wage. Or I could accept a huge wage decrease ($1650 b-monthly down to $1000 bi-monthly) and stay on. He said he does not recommend that option. I would rather go for the first option, but what if within two months I am not able to find a job? Would I be eligible for unemployment benefits?
0 answers | asked Jun 27, 2016 10:52 AM [EST] | applies to Wisconsin
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