I'm a housekeeper at a motel in Oregon. My boss asks us to clean his kitchen and clean his cat box or go to store for him he pays us what he calls a cash bonus. Then has us write it down on our time cards for regular housekeeping wages so we can pay taxes

When I'm done working my regular duties as housekeeper the boss will ask me to clean his liter box he pays me cash for this calls it a bonus which he has me write it on my time card from my job on my check stub it is added to my worked hours and taxes deducted from it then at the bottom of my stub he ads it back with any draws I've gotten and says it's an cash advance repayment. Is that legal cause it shouldn't have anything to do with my time card for my regular job hours does it

0 answers  |  asked Aug 28, 2018 11:03 PM [EST]  |  applies to Oregon

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