Is being on call acceptable without pay?
I work for a very large company as a part time sales associates (there are no full time sales associates). The shifts comprise of for the most part one manger and 2-3 sales associates on the floor. Managers are on salary while all part time sales associates are hourly and no commission is earned on sales.
I have a question about their scheduling process. For example, mgmt schedules me for three days of on call, which means for those days, I have to call into the store manager an hour before the shift starts to see if they want me to work. If they do, I basically have an hour to get to work, if they do not want me to work, then I don't go and I am not paid. It feels like my life is on hold because every day I have to wait and see if they want me or this procedure legal? Many of us are fed up and wonder the same thing. This is practiced company wide but I don't recall seeing it in the employee handbook. I would appreciate your feedback. Thank you
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