Is there a limit of hours that a salaried exempt employee is to work?

I know I have to work 40 but our company says 45. That's fine. But I'm putting in 65-80hrs. weekly. I am a co-manager at a convenience store that also sells fuel. I hire and I terminate. I've been working 12+hrs. daily doing work other than what is expected of me. And still fall behind on paperwork due to being on the floor way to often. Some days I will work 430am-1230am, go home, which is a 1/2 hr. drive one way, sleep 1.5 hrs. and do it all again. My supervisor doesn't seem to care as long as I am there. Is there any more compensation for me? I really like my job but I just tired of being used.
Thank you for any help to can give me.

0 answers  |  asked Jul 21, 2010 10:13 AM [EST]  |  applies to New York

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