Is this a Breach of Contract?
Well I worked at Domino's Pizza for almost one year and my wife worked there for 7 months. After management changed my wife was let go and due to the situation, management thought that I was going to quit due to her termination. So, I met with the owner of the stores, he is a franchisee owner and we met and came to an agreement that he would pay me a severance pay or just a sum of money due to the inconvenience of me not quitting but being terminated otherwise. Either way, we reached an agreement and in my opinion he is refusing to pay me now. I leave him voicemails, emails, text messages with no response on anything. I havw two emails from him stating that he would give me a certain amount of money but he is still not returning my calls, emails, text messages, anything. Is there anything I can do? I realize Ohio is an at will state but with the severance agreement rather oral or written still constitutes as a contract. I believe he is in breach of contract, is there anything else I can sue for or what should I do? Please I really need help with this situation.
0 answers | asked Aug 11, 2011 10:28 AM [EST] | applies to Ohio
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